Tūtū and Me


About Tūtū and Me

Tūtū and Me Traveling Preschool targets Native Hawaiian families with keiki ages birth to five in underserved communities on the five major islands in Hawaiʻi. The goal of Tūtū and Me is to meet the educational and emotional needs of families so that keiki will enter school ready to learn and succeed.

What sets this traveling preschool apart from other similar programs is that Tūtū and Me also offers support to these keiki's caregivers. In the Hawaiian culture, grandparents or tūtū are oftentimes the caregivers of keiki.  Furthermore, while both parents may work, they are still unable to afford child care and call upon the tūtū or other family members to watch their keiki.

Tūtū and Me provides learning opportunities for many aspects of keiki's development and seeks to meet the needs of their caregivers. Some aspects emphasized at Tūtū and Me include cognitive, social, and linguistic learning as well as parenting tips.

Teams of early childhood educators travel to pre-selected communities where they set up, conduct the program and pack it all away to start again for the next day’s session. The curriculum is organized around learning themes and, most importantly, serves to meet the diverse cultural needs of the keiki by integrating Hawaiian values and culture.

4481 Kona Road, Hanepēpē, HI 96716